Elgin Writers Guild

Eight Reasons to Join

If you’re looking for how or who to pay, follow this link.

  1. Motivation
    Writing more, and more often, makes us better writers. Knowing we’ll be meeting with other writers and sharing our work can motivate us to to that end.
  2. Inspiration
    Having the opportunity to read what others have written, ask questions, share ideas, and brainstorm tends to generate more ‘light bulb’ moments in our own work.
  3. Constructive Criticism
    Having a group of writers ‘on tap’ to objectively evaluate our work, and offer honest opinions about it, exposes opportunities for improvement we’d never notice on our own.
  4. Guidance
    We’re never alone when we run into writers block, can’t figure out how to move the story from point A to point B, or have to choose between two possible endings. Personalised, informed advice is always available.
  5. Support and Encouragement
    Belonging to a writers group is all about encouraging, uplifting and supporting one another.
  6. Networking
    Elgin Writers Guild boasts writers from all walks of life and various levels of skill and success. This gives us access to a wide variety of resources, connections, and valuable information to help us succeed.
  7. Evidence of Commitment to the Craft
    When querying agents and sending cover letters to editors, mentioning we’re part of a structured and established writing group shows we’re serious about writing.
  8. Opportunity to Critique Others
    The famous Roman philosopher, Seneca, believed that while we teach, we learn. Critiquing another’s work enables us to see more opportunities for our own growth