Elgin Writers Guild

Critique groups are the heart of our writing community. They are subgroups of like-minded writers who share their work and support the writing or publishing goals of the members. Unlike general meetings of The Guild, they deal with specific genres (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, memoir, etc.).

Each group makes up its own rules based on the background, needs and desires of its members. Examples: how often they meet, how many pages each person reads each meeting, and how many submissions are covered each meeting.

The point of any critique group is to help each member become a better writer and to offer support and encouragement.

Currently, the Fiction Critique Group meets the fourth Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m., and the Poetry Group meets occasionally. You don’t have to be a member to sit in on one session. For an invitation to join us, email elginwritersguild@outlook.com.

More about critique groups (links)