Elgin Writers Guild

Trudy Prins

My name is Trudy Prins. I have loved books from childhood, and it appears that this trait has been inherited by my children and grandchildren! The Bible stories, the myths, the fairy tales, and the family lore are all so important in teaching strategies for living. The journals I’ve kept over many years have proven to be safe havens to work through reflections and emotions, and also act as reliable records of long ago events.

I enjoy working with a blog format, and have been publishing online for several years. My blog is categorized as observational devotional; an ordinary life against the backdrop of our times. It is historiography but also a reach to capture glimmers of insight. It’s a way to satisfy my own curiosity, and the thrill of the hunt to bring back a find to others, like a hunter-gatherer. Poetry and thought-provoking quotes are included in small doses to hopefully whet literary appetites.

My role as editor for a church newsletter as well as a company newsletter gave opportunities to interview others about their stories, which was very enjoyable. I am also attempting to write a story based on my own real-life experiences. So far this amounts to a disorganized collection of anecdote, facts, and research. I’m still weighing the risks and puzzling on how to shape this narrative.

I write free-flow morning pages three to four times a week, and find this process very helpful in keeping a vocabulary well primed.

As a part of the Elgin Writer’s Guild, we can share the joys and trials we’ve encountered. I can be another pair of eyes to read a script objectively, and I’ve enjoyed the characters and storylines of work we’ve critiqued. Hopefully this can inspire renewed determination or springboard new ideas!